Reflexology is a truly amazing therapy which helps to promote deep relaxation and general well being. It is based on the theory that different parts of the feet refer to specific parts of the body, it works in a similar way to acupressure and acupuncture by stimulating the energy pathways in the body. If any energy pathways are found to be blocked, reflexology aims to unblock them, allowing the energy to flow freely again which aims to restore balance to the body.
Reflexology has been around since the Ancient Egyptians although it wasn’t until the early 1900’s that it was introduced to the western world. Reflexology is suitable for anyone of any age from new born babies to end of life care, pregnant mothers to couple during fertility treatment, pregnant women to women going through the menopause, regardless of your current situation in life.
Reflexology can help to restore your body’s natural balance. You may feel more relaxed, not so tense, sleep better and have an increased sense of wellbeing. The effects that people feel from reflexology are very individual to each recipient. We must always remember that Reflexology cannot diagnose nor is it a substitute for professional medical advice.
Price List
Initial Consultation £50.00 - 60 minutes
Follow-up appointment £50.00 - 60 minutes